Guumon + Friends SOFUBI show at One-UP Akiba
Short notice folks – but D-CON was sooo last week. Fig-lab will be joining Guumon + Friends at a nice little SOFUBI show at the One-Up showcase in Akiba Cultural Zone. Featuring fresh customs from western SOFUBI artists Guumon, Bwana Spoons, Devils Head Production, and Kearjun.
Fig-lab will be contributing a clutch of Datadub finger puppets – several Metal Swipe Glitter Bomb one-offs plus an exclusive micro-run in a Metallic Bubble Gum stylee. Shiny shiny – just in time for the Holidays
There will be a preview gathering on Friday evening (11/27) from 6pm ~ 8pm with sales beginning from shop opening on Saturday morning (11/28) at 11am.